tiistai 16. helmikuuta 2010

Hanne 22v.

Our Belgian sweetheart Hanne had her birthday on 13.2.
During the weekend there was Zizkov Masque festival going on in our neighbourhood and we decided to surprise our hero of the day syntymäpäiväsankari with a little masque carnival.

Rafal was playing his accordion as we entered in Hanne's room to wake her up as a parade, Dana the Sun, Gosha the Plastic Bag, Paula the Cat, Julka as a Bird and me, the Evil Nutella Man with a jar of almond peanutbutter inside my pants. As a present of course.

Paula, the Salmiakki cat.

The birthday fruit and candy salad tasted better than what it looked like..
Oikeesti, se oli aika hyvää!

Rafal, Julia ja synttäriherkku.

Aurinko, the Sun.

The Evil (and pervert) Nutella Man.

Preparing to enter.

Here comes the sun.

Joka heitteli sankarin päälle karkkisadetta. Taisi tulla kesä!

Hannen naamio, made by Julia.

The sun in the kitchen, right before the rising.

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