maanantai 24. toukokuuta 2010

fiilistelyä feelings 24th May

Monday 24th May

"Confusion and the inability to focus on mundane tasks --

-- as well as poor understanding or/
miscommunication between yourself and others --
-- and the desire to evade real responsibilities and challenges are negative potentials for you now.

Overall a very confusing day - -

- - and may be one that if the opportunity presents it self --

-- just to stay home and wait it out."

Today I've taken the Aquarius Daily Horoscope seriously,
at least what it comes to the advise to stay home.
I'm happy to do that and stay home, on this greyish day.
After a crazy summer holiday week
playing hit and run concerts on gas stations
swimming in the chilly sea
countryside partying
inhaling great festival atmospheres
playing hc football
sinking to heavy rain

I'm just a bit exchausted
but happy as ever! as usual, hihi

warm housewarmings II and III

I had to rehearse a bit, as I had my very first concert
at Ylioppilasteatteri's Short Theatre Festival the same night.. ;)

Venla did a come back from the neighbourhoods and brought us ice creams!

My ex-flatmates Laura and Jonna cam for the afternoon on the 13th.

Kleba had a private house warming
cider drinking on our backyard
after my last school day this spiring,
on the 12th of May!

the first house warming on the 7th of May

The final looks at the mirror before heading of to HELLsinki night life.

Me and Ruusu were mainly playing with Henry.

Saara and her eggs. hihi

Anna and Toni viewing and disgussing the art work of Saara's.

Henry at home.

Dressing up for going to the next door art gallery.

Me, Uikku and Saara, my beloved neighbour next door.

To the sauna we invited the 2nd male guest, Toni,
and after sauna we got the 3rd, Henry aka. Uikku from the next door neihgbour.
(Uikku is my new doggy boyfriend)

Little pretty rose valley didn't want to be photographed.
Luckily did it anyway!

Photo by Ruusu.

The first guests had to leave allready before sauna, as it came a bit too late for Eeko.

Ruusu and Marjut arrived a bit later.

Coming out from the closet - -

-- Eeko took a feminim role quite well, though.

My first guests Venla and Eeko on 7th May, tyttöjen minisaunatuparit, small girls' sauna house warming. Eeko was the first exception to the girlie guest list.

tiistai 4. toukokuuta 2010

HOME SWEET HOME - my little place of my own

I love this place, even if it's small, it's big enough, and for the first time in my life,
I enjoy having a place, all my own.

All I need (if we don't count all the furniture, hoover etc.)
is a cat.
And my landlord to allow me to take one..

Yet I don't have a closet for my clothes (and other stuff) so, this is how they are. Hihi!

HOME SWEET HOME - on the move 30th April

Everybody happy?!

My landlord was waiting with the keys.

My little yellow house. Isn't it like going to the country side?

"Kymintie, here it is!!!!"

Football fields forever!

The railway station of Pasila.
(Reminds me of some gas station in Slovakia..

Police didn't stop us, even if I was shouting a bit from the windows (for enjoyment of course) with my bottle of wine, so Jussi started to smile again.

Some of the architecture of Helsinki.

Jussi got a little serious as we drove past the motor police. I didn'y really get why..

From our second pit-stop I got a present from Marja, a yellow balloon
(that died straight away when we got on the street..) with a condom stikked on it
and a writing "Hauskaa Wabbua!".

My good old bed, which sadly turned out to be too big for my tiny new home..

"Bye bye Jääkärinkatu and Ullanlinna (Helsinki's Vinohrady)!"

The ex-flatmates, Miira and I.

Jussi using the tools. Boy I had a clever driver!

A cigare pause on our first pit-stop in Jääkärinkatu. Miira coming with the tools!

Vappu-auto, the whole Helsinki full of balloons!

I was singing on our way, to cheer up Jussi. In the beginning it worked rather well too.
As you can see, driver is smiling!
We didn't have a radio in the car (so stupid)!

"Bye bye Kruunuhaka!"
As it was the eve of the 1st of May, I opened my first bottle to celebrate my name's day,
the spring, move and the SUMMER OF LOVE! (my driver wasn't as happy as I was..)


My trusted driver, Juha aka. Jussi, in the van borroved
("for my upcoming performance project")
from our school.
Just starting the real thing, getting off from Kruunuhaka.